The main features:
- double rollers to reduce friction
- easy bending large angles
- design to protect against warping pipes
Technical data
Bending size | 3/8″ |
Bending radius | 15/16″ |
Bending angle | 0~180⁰ |
Applicable material | Soft copper pipe |
+971 50 355 4100
Value bender VBT-1 to copper pipes.
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Value HVAC Service Tools & Equipment Dealers, Suppliers in Dubai
Air Conditioner Spare Parts Supplier in Dubai UAE
Benders supplier in Dubai UAE.
We are the leading Wholesaler, Distributor, Supplier of Value copper tube bender VBT-1 in Dubai UAE.
The main features:
Bending size | 3/8″ |
Bending radius | 15/16″ |
Bending angle | 0~180⁰ |
Applicable material | Soft copper pipe |
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